At Library Art Contest, An Exceptionally Low Bar

Tenth-grader Sarah Fisher's take on Vincent van Gogh's "Starry Night," at a recent night of "bad art" in Belchertown, Massachusetts. Photo by Jill Kaufman for NEPR

Tenth-grader Sarah Fisher’s take on Vincent van Gogh’s “Starry Night,” at a recent night of “bad art” in Belchertown, Massachusetts. Photo by Jill Kaufman for NEPR

For many middle and high school students, the bar is set high for getting good grades, making the team, and landing the lead role in a play. Recognizing that, a library in western Massachusetts recently set the bar really low, offering a carefree event of making bad art.

It was on a Friday night, when about a dozen kids who could have gone to a game or the mall chose to convene in the basement of the Clapp Memorial Library in Belchertown, Massachusetts.

Maybe it was the promise of prizes that brought them in. Or the chance to get a number of laughs by making the best worst possible replication of a famous piece of art.

Visit NEPR for the full story.